
Enzymes /˿ɿnzaɪmz/ are macromolecular biological catalysts. Enzymes accelerate chemical reactions. The molecules upon which enzymes may act are called substrates and the enzyme converts the substrates into different molecules known as products. Almost all metabolic processes in the cell need enzyme catalysis in order to occur at rates fast enough to sustain life.[1]:8.1 Metabolic pathways depend upon enzymes to catalyze individual steps. The study of enzymes is called enzymology and a new field of pseudoenzyme analysis has recently grown up, recognising that during evolution, some enzymes have lost the ability to carry out biological catalysis, which is often reflected in their amino acid sequences and unusual 'pseudocatalytic' properties.

Enzymes are known to catalyze more than 5,000 biochemical reaction types.

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Item# Description Pricings Quantity
rAP-0843 Aldolase-A Human Recombinant Please Inquire
rAP-0844 Aldolase C Fructose-Bisphosphate Mouse Recombinant Please Inquire
rAP-0845 Aldolase C Fructose-Bisphosphate Human Recombinant Please Inquire
rAP-0846 Tyr-3/Trp- 5 Monooxygenase Activation Protein Beta Human Recombinant Please Inquire
rAP-0847 Tyr-3/Trp- 5 Monooxygenase Activation Protein Sigma Human Recombinant Please Inquire
rAP-0848 Cytoplasmic L-asparaginase I E.Coli Recombinant Please Inquire
rAP-0849 L-Asparaginase Please Inquire
rAP-0850 ASRGL1 Human Recombinant Please Inquire
rAP-0851 Aspartylglucosaminidase Human Recombinant Please Inquire
rAP-0852 Aspartylglucosaminidase Human Recombinant, sf9 Please Inquire
rAP-0853 Aurora Kinase A Human Recombinant Please Inquire
rAP-0854 Aurora Kinase B Human Recombinant Please Inquire
rAP-0855 Beta Lactamase E.coli Recombinant, His Tag Please Inquire
rAP-0856 Beta Lactamase E.Coli Recombinant, His Active Please Inquire
rAP-0857 Beta Lactamase E.coli Recombinant Please Inquire
rAP-0858 Calcium and Integrin Binding 2 Human Recombinant Please Inquire
rAP-0859 Calcium and Integrin Binding 1 Human Recombinant Please Inquire
rAP-0860 Carbonic Anhydrase 8 Human Recombinant Please Inquire
rAP-0861 Carbonic Anhydrase III Human Recombinant, His Tag Please Inquire
rAP-0862 Carbonic Anhydrase II E.coli Recombinant Please Inquire
rAP-0863 Carbonic Anhydrase 2 Human Recombinant Please Inquire
rAP-0864 Carbonic Anhydrase-1 Human Recombinant Please Inquire
rAP-0865 Carbonic Anhydrase III Human Recombinant Please Inquire
rAP-0866 Carbonic Anhydrase XI Human Recombinant Please Inquire
rAP-0867 Carbonic Anhydrase XIV Human Recombinant Please Inquire
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