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Custom Protein Expression in E. coli System

Size Price Quantity
1.0 mg $600.00
The advantages of E. coli expression systems include low cost, high expression, ease of scale up, and short turnaround time. Our collection of more than 10 host strains and numerous expression vectors guarantees selection of the most efficient expression system. To increase protein solubility, expression levels, and ease of purification, multiple fusion/affinity tags are available. Our proprietary AIE technology allows high yields of toxic proteins. For insoluble proteins we have developed an effective protein refolding system consisting of 20 refolding buffers optimized with 9 parameters. If large amounts of protein are required, we can produce and purify from cultures as large as 35-500 liters. Metabolic labeling with stable isotopes is also offered in the E. coli system.
Expression system E Coli
Protein Formats No-Tag, His-Tag, or TRX-Tag
Testing Service One time 500 US dollars service fee (Protein gene synthesis cost excluded) for a minimum of 1mg of protein for testing.
Turn Around Time 1-2 weeks after receiving the synthesized protein gene product.
End-Product and Prices (Bulk size proteins are provided at competitive following estimated prices)
2-5mg USD1000/mg
6-10mg USD900/mg
11-20mg USD800/mg
>20mg Inquiry
For more information [email protected]