AustriaPELOBIOTECH Gmbh Am Klopferspitz 19, 82152 Planegg/Martinsried, Germany Phone: (49) 89 517 286 59-0 Fax: (49) 89 517 286 59-88 Email: info@pelobiotech.com Website: www.pelobiotech.com Hölzel Diagnostika Handels GmbH Hohenzollernring 38 D-50672 Köln Phone: +49-(0)221-126 02 52 Fax: +49-(0)221-126 02 67 Email: p.management@hoelzel.de Website: www.hoelzel-biotech.com |
BelgiumGentaur BV Voortstraat 49, 1910 Kampenhout, Tel +32 2 265 09 20, email: support@gentaur.com TAX ID BE0473327336 |
BulgariaGentaur EOOD, Ul iSkar 53, 1191 Kokalyane, Tel: +359 089 745 5388 email: info@gentaur.com TAX ID BG201358931 |
ChinaAnkang Biotechnology Co. Ltd 501, 21-6 Yangshan Street, District of Economical & Techonolgy Xuzhou, Jiangsu, People's Republic of China Phone: (86) 516 8789 6136 Fax: (86) 516 8756 0508 Email: info@ankangbiotech.com Website: www.ankangbiotech.com Antibodies-Online Baohua City Center, Rm. 1203, 518 Anyuan Road 200060 Shanghai Phone: +86-21-6208-5950 Fax: +86-21-6208-9071 Email: orders@global-biotech.cn/a> |
FranceGentaur France SARL, 9 Rue Lagrange, 75005 Paris, Tel: +33 01 43 25 01 50 Email: France@gentaur.com TAX ID: FR63484237888 |
GermanyAntibodies-Online GmbH Schloss-Rahe-Str. 15, D-52072 Aachen Phone: +49 (0)241 95 163 153 Fax: +49 (0)241 95 163 155 Email: orders@antikoerper-online.de Website: www.antikoerper-online.de PELOBIOTECH Gmbh Am Klopferspitz 19, 82152 Planegg/Martinsried, Germany Phone: (49) 89 517 286 59-0 Fax: (49) 89 517 286 59-88 Email: info@pelobiotech.com Website: www.pelobiotech.com Hölzel Diagnostika Handels GmbH Hohenzollernring 38 D-50672 Köln Phone: +49-(0)221-126 02 52 Fax: +49-(0)221-126 02 67 Email: p.management@hoelzel.de Website: www.hoelzel-biotech.com |
IsraelBioTag Ltd. PO Box 4067, 40300, Israel Phone: (972) 52 5522748 Fax: (972) 9 8989665 Email: info@biotag.co.il Website: www.biotag.co.il |
ItalyGentaur Italia SRL Piazza Giacomo Matteotti n.6, 24122 Bergamo, Tel: +39 0350086186 Email: nadia@gentaur.com Tax ID: IT03841300167 |
JapanFunakoshi Co., Ltd. Phone: (81) 3 5684 1620 Fax: (81) 3 5684 1775 Email: reagent@funakoshi.co.jp Website: www.funakoshi.co.jp |
MalaysiaProBioscience Technologies Pte Ltd. 62 Ubi Road 1, #08-22 Oxley Bizhub 2, Singapore 408734 Skype: shawnlimsg Phone: (+65) 9116 0340 Fax: (+65) 6725 8438 Website: www.probioscience.org |
NetherlandsGentaur BV Kuiper 1, 5521 DG Eersel The Netherlands, Tel: +31 20 808 0893 Email: lieven@gentaur.com TAX ID: NL850396268B01 |
PolandGentaur Sp. z o.o., lok.2, Grunwaldzka 88A, 81-771 Sopot, Tel: +48 058 710 33 44 Email: poland@gentaur.com TAX ID: PL2040002710 |
SingaporeVector Biomed Pte Ltd. BLK 192 Pandan Loop #07-24 Pantech Business Hub Singapore 128381 Phone: (65) 8290 4413 Email: sales@vbm.com.sg Website: www.vbm.com.sg ProBioscience Technologies Pte Ltd. 62 Ubi Road 1, #08-22 Oxley Bizhub 2, Singapore 408734 Skype: shawnlimsg Phone: (+65) 9116 0340 Fax: (+65) 6725 8438 Website: www.probioscience.org |
South KoreaSambo 266-1, Yangjae-Dong Seocho-Ku, Seoul, Korea Phone: (02) 575 4945 Fax: (02) 574 7595 Email: sambomed@daum.net or yhpaik@sambomed.co.kr Website: www.sambomed.co.kr |
SwitzerlandPELOBIOTECH Gmbh Am Klopferspitz 19 82152 Planegg/Martinsried, Germany Phone: (49) 89 517 286 59-0 Fax: (49) 89 517 286 59-88 Email: info@pelobiotech.com Website: www.pelobiotech.com Hölzel Diagnostika Handels GmbH Hohenzollernring 38 D-50672 Köln Phone: +49-(0)221-126 02 52 Fax: +49-(0)221-126 02 67 Email: p.management@hoelzel.de Website: www.hoelzel-biotech.com |
TaiwanASIA BIOSCIENCE CO., LTD. 1 F, No.1, Lane 661, Wenlin Road, Shihlin District, Taipei City 111, Taiwan (R.O.C.) Phone: +886-2-8866-3366 Fax: +886-2-2833-1789 Email: jimmy@abscience.com.tw or asiabioscience@gmail.com Website: www.abscience.com.tw |
UKGentaur UK Ltd., Station Close, Unicorn House, Potters Bar EN6 1TL, Tel: +44 020 3393 8531 Email: vasil@gentaur.com TAX ID: GB111298832 |
UK and IrelandAntibodies-Online GmbH Schloss-Rahe-Str. 15 D-52072 Aachen Phone: +44 (0) 20 33 71 96 95 Fax: +44 (0) 20 30 14 94 89 Email: orders@antibodies-online.com Website: www.antibodies-online.com |
USAAntibodies-Online Inc. 11 Dunwoody Park, Suite 145 Atlanta, GA 30338 Phone: +1 404 474 4654 Fax: +1 888 205 9894 (Toll-free) Email: orders@antibodies-online.com Website: www.antibodies-online.com |
Rest of WorldAngio-Proteomie 11 Park Drive, Suite 12 Boston MA 02215 Phone: +1 6175492665 Fax: +1 4802474337 Email: angioproteomie@gmail.com Antibodies-Online GmbH Schloss-Rahe-Str. 15 D-52072 Aachen Phone: +49 (0)241 95 163 153 Fax: +49 (0)241 95 163 155 Email: orders@antibodies-online.com Website: www.antibodies-online.com |